9 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the use of information technologies in the topic of waste and waste technologies in the lower secondary chemistry education

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    The thesis deals with the issue of the generation, processing and subsequent use of waste and the verification of the effectiveness of a set of activities on Waste and Waste Technology using information technologies in the teaching of chemistry in the 9th grade of primary school. The theoretical part provides a brief insight into waste and waste treatment, including the technologies used for this purpose. This issue is also examined in terms of its occurrence in the two levels of the state and school curriculum and in the most commonly used chemistry textbooks in primary school. The information technologies used are then based on an analysis of the newly introduced area of Computer Science. The practical part describes and evaluates the implementation of complex activities on the topic of Waste and Waste Technology in block teaching in the 9th grade of primary school using qualitative research in the form of a case study, and the results confirm that this topic can be implemented as designed, including the information technologies used. KEYWORDS waste, waste technologies, chemistry education, information technology, case studyDiplomová práce se zabývá problematikou tvorby, zpracování a následného využívání odpadů a ověřováním efektivity souboru aktivit na téma Odpady a odpadové technologie s využitím informačních technologií ve výuce chemie v 9. ročníku základní školy. V teoretické části se nachází stručný vhled do problematiky odpadů a jejich zpracování včetně technologií, které se k tomu využívají. Tato problematika je taktéž zkoumána z hlediska výskytu ve dvou úrovních státního a školního kurikula a v nejčastěji používaných učebnicích chemie na základní škole. Využívané informační technologie poté vycházejí z provedené analýzy nově zavedené oblasti Informatika. V praktické části je pomocí kvalitativního výzkumu v podobě případové studie popsána a vyhodnocena realizace komplexních aktivit na téma Odpady a odpadové technologie v blokové výuce v 9. ročníku ZŠ, přičemž výsledky potvrzují, že lze toto téma realizovat tak, jak bylo navrženo, a to včetně využívaných informačních technologií. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA odpady, odpadové technologie, výuka chemie, informační technologie, případová studieKatedra chemie a didaktiky chemieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Reálná molekulární vizualizace v hodinách fyziky a chemie na základních a středních školách

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    The present article describes the potential use of molecular projection in chemistry and physics lessons. Beginnig of the text we point to the students´ Spatial imagination of students and the advantages of the real and computer molecular projection are discussed. Practical experience, ideas for work with molecular construction sets and several worksheets for students are added. © 2014, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering. All rights reserved

    Remarks on restrained domination and total restrained domination in graphs

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    The restrained domination number γ r(G) and the total restrained domination number γ t r (G) of a graph G were introduced recently by various authors as certain variants of the domination number γ(G) of (G). A well-known numerical invariant of a graph is the domatic number d(G) which is in a certain way related (and may be called dual) to γ(G). The paper tries to define analogous concepts also for the restrained domination and the total restrained domination and discusses the sense of such new definitions. © Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic 2005

    Learner's Activation in Chemistry Education at Lower Secondary Schools on the topic Waste and Waste technologies

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    Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Development the Stahlavy from the 19th century to the present

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vývojem sídla Šťáhlavy od 19. století do současnosti. Hlavním cílem práce je postihnout, jak se v sídle měnila zástavba, jak se měnilo využití ploch a k jakým změnám došlo v rámci obyvatelstva sídla. Dříve byly Šťáhlavy považovány za součást venkovského prostoru. Dnes Šťáhlavy leží prakticky na okraji západočeské metropole, v suburbánní zóně, přibližně 12 km jihovýchodním směrem od hranice města. Závěrečné hodnocení změn v sídle bylo provedeno na základě analýzy mapových výstupů z geografických informačních systémů a na základě analýz soupisu obyvatelstva a jednotlivých sčítání obyvatelstva mezi lety 1820 2011ObhájenoThis Bachelor's thesis deals with the development of the settlement of Šťáhlavy from the 19th century to present day. The main goal of the thesis is to analyze how this settlement evolved through urban development, how the utilization of space changed over time, and what changes were effected by its residents. Šťáhlavy was formerly considered to be a part of the rural landscape. Today, however, it lies virtually on the outskirts of a Western Bohemian metropolis in a suburban zone, approximately 12 kilometers southeast of the city limits. A concluding evaluation of the evolution of the settlement was carried out based on an analysis of maps from geographical information systems and based on analyses of population registries and individual censuses from 1820 through 201

    Community service punishment and its enforcement

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    Community service The thesis is devoted to a sentence of community service as provided in the Penal Code No 40/2009. The thesis is a description of the conditions under which the penalty is imposed and the conditions for its execution. Because the sentence may be performed by persons under the age of eighteen years, is part of the text also the legislation Act No. 218/2003. In criminal law the community service is one of alternative penalties used in Czech Republic. The significance of this punishment is to enable offender to retrieve to injured person the loss and to do some useful activity for community public and other beneficial institutions which deals with education, culture, health protection, humanitarian, social, charitable, religious, sportive activity etc., but those activities cannot serve for earning purpose. This kind of punishment also allows the person to remain at liberty and not to break the positive social ties in their natural environment. The judge may impose a penalty of fifty to three hundred hours, while a person under eighteen years of age may be sentenced to community service to maximum of one hundred and fifty hours. In addition, the judge may order the convicted person a reasonable duties and restrictions. If the convicted does not achieve his punishment, defeat it or does not..

    Community service punishment and its enforcement

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    Community service The thesis is devoted to a sentence of community service as provided in the Penal Code No 40/2009. The thesis is a description of the conditions under which the penalty is imposed and the conditions for its execution. Because the sentence may be performed by persons under the age of eighteen years, is part of the text also the legislation Act No. 218/2003. In criminal law the community service is one of alternative penalties used in Czech Republic. The significance of this punishment is to enable offender to retrieve to injured person the loss and to do some useful activity for community public and other beneficial institutions which deals with education, culture, health protection, humanitarian, social, charitable, religious, sportive activity etc., but those activities cannot serve for earning purpose. This kind of punishment also allows the person to remain at liberty and not to break the positive social ties in their natural environment. The judge may impose a penalty of fifty to three hundred hours, while a person under eighteen years of age may be sentenced to community service to maximum of one hundred and fifty hours. In addition, the judge may order the convicted person a reasonable duties and restrictions. If the convicted does not achieve his punishment, defeat it or does not..

    Automatic system for reception and processing of satellite meteorological images

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    Modely a predikce sítového provozu hrají významnou roli v analýze skutečného sítového provozu a výkonnosti sítě. V prípade dostatecne přesné predikce by bylo možné zlepšit využití a výkonnost sítě. Tento článek se zabývá možností predikce sítového provozu pomocí rekonstrukce fázového prostoru a Lyapunova exponentu